Basque Ambassadors, the recognition that celebrates the best gastronomic ambassadors of the Basque Country around the world.

Los galardonados

Arantxa de Saracho

Reinterpretando la tradición

Restaurante Guria y tres barras de Tapas Guria (Grupo Guria).

Pablo San Román

30 años de experiencia

Restaurante Ekilore y asociación de cocineros vascos Sukalde.

Iñigo Aramburu

Sazón de tradición

Restaurante Puerto Getaria.

Gorka Bátiz

Del origen a la vanguardia

Restaurantes Tezka y Gorka Altamar.

Mikel Alonso

Trayectoria de excelencia

Restaurantes Biko y MEXTA.

Alberto Ituarte

Liderando con actitud

Restaurante Tezka e Ituarte Banquetes.

Julian e Ildefonso Larrachea

Una cadena familiar

Obradores y panaderías Lecaroz.


In the Basque Country, we embrace the bar culture: pintxos and zuritos, nibbling on tapas with a toothpick, savoring life around a table, and dipping bread into sauce. The sea and its fishing villages, the mountains and their orchards, the countryside and its vineyards—what we do and how we do it ultimately defines who we are. Definitely, in the Basque Country, gastronomy is part of our identity.

We often say there's no place like home. However, some carry this sense of home beyond borders—these are all Basque Ambassadors.

This recognition is a tribute to the gastronomic ambassadors of the Basque Country worldwide: those who open the doors of the Basque Country beyond its borders. Endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism, Trade, and Consumer Affairs of the Basque Government, this initiative aims to highlight chefs and professionals who, through their work, have brought the essence and richness of Basque culture to different corners of the world, along with their commitment to tradition and the quality of locally sourced products.


March, 19 · 19:00
Bella Aurora Restaurant
Mexico DF

Basque Ambassadors 2024
award ceremony

The program will include the long-awaited presentation of 2024's gastronomic ambassadors of Euskadi in Mexico and a cocktail prepared by the team of the prestigious chef Elena Reygadas.

Don't forget to visit our website to discover who will be honored with the Basque Ambassadors distinction, an honor reserved for those people who have left a significant mark in promoting the rich Basque culinary tradition around the world.